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Winter Running Tips And Advice


I am quite sure that people who live in countries where you have change of seasons recognize this: during the warmer summer months it is easier to get off that couch and run in that pleasant sunlight. However, during the winter months with sometimes freezing temperatures, it is much more difficult to go out and start running.

A lot of people who like to stay in shape, but do not like the cold, often go to a fitness center and work out on a tread mill.

I prefer to be outdoors and run to a nearby lake, park or forest. If you prefer the same, then there are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind, so please find below some tips and advice for running during the winter months:

Running buddy

Try to find a running buddy for the cold winter months. A running buddy can support you with keeping your motivation and it is also more fun to run with two!

Warm up before you run

Make some movements and do some exercises inside without starting to sweat, run for instance up and down the stairs a few times or jump the rope. If you have a running buddy, do not wait out in the cold for him or her, because that will influence your body heat.

Wear warm clothes

Let’s first start with your head; did you know that most body heat escapes via your head? To stay warm, it is essential to wear a hat. Make also sure you wear warm clothes. In specialized shops you will find high quality running clothes with light weight insulating material to cover your upper body, legs etc. You should wear material that can ‘breathe’, so that you stay warm without getting overheated.

Wear winter running shoes and socks

Wear socks that prevent your feet from getting wet and keep them warm. Your shoes should also be made of a material that can handle snowy-, icy- or rainy conditions.

Dry your shoes after running with a cloth and put some old newspapers inside the shoe to absorb the moisture.

Safety First!

Safety first, also with running! Wear reflective gear so that you can be seen in the dark. Do not worry about being fashionable or not, it is important to wear it, since this is a life saver.

Do not focus on speed

Running during winter is more about making your miles or kilometers than about setting new speed records. Since you are wearing more layers and the conditions are also more difficult, you should not focus on your average speed and compare it with your speed during the warm summer months.

Hope you have fun running, also during the cold winter months!

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