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The Best Sport Podcasts


Podcasts are a great way to stay up to date and informed about your favorite sport. However, there are many podcasts about a wide variety of sports available. But which ones are the best? Which podcasts should you follow to stay up to date?

In this article you will find a selection of the best sports podcasts.

Pardon The Interruption – PTI by ESPN

Listen to ESPN’s Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon discussing the hot topics in the world of sports. This podcast is updated on a daily basis.

606 Football Phone-in by BBC Radio 5 Live

606 Football Phone-in is the biggest football (also known as soccer) phone-in in the United Kingdom, which broadcasts during midweek, Saturday and Sunday. Fans can participate in lively debates about matches, results and transfers.

The Starters by NBA Digital

J.E. Skeets and Tas Melas present on a daily basis an interesting podcast about the latest developments in the NBA, including games, storylines and more.

Prime Time Sports by Sportsnet 590

Prime Time Sports looks every day at the major issues in sports. Topics of the Prime Time Sports podcast include news, interviews and opinions.

NFL: The Dave Dameshek Football Program by NFL

Dave Dameshek, known from ESPN Radio, NFL .com and Jimmy Kimmel Live, shares during his podcasts his views on the NFL from a true fan’s perspective.

UEFA.com Podcast by UEFA

UEFA is the European Soccer Federation, which brings you the latest news, interviews with soccer stars, in-depth features and more.

Bike-TV Podcast by Bike-TV

Bike TV Podcast is the number one European Bike-podcast. This sport podcast informs you on the hottest bike trends, the newest equipment and the latest developments in cycling and mountain biking.

The Steve Austin Show by PodcastOne

Steve Austin is a TV celebrity and Pro Wrestling Hall of Famer who shares his thoughts on everything that’s on his mind. He shares stories from his current career and his wrestling career and it is also possible to ask him questions.

shralp! snowboarding video news by mee-z

shralp is the number one snowboarding video podcast that covers everything that matters in the world of snowboarding, including competitions, people, mountains, products, tricks and equipment.

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