In 2011, the NFL witnessed a critical event that would transform its landscape—the player lockout. This significant labor dispute lasted from March 12 to July...
Tag - NFL
The first televised NFL game marked a significant moment in both sports and television history. It played an important role in helping the NFL grow into a...
The National Football League (NFL) is without a doubt one of the most popular sports leagues in the world. But it is also one of the most physically demanding...
Football players and managers spend a lot of time during a season in front of a microphone, answering questions from journalists. Generally these interviews go...
The NFL (National Football League) has started a collaboration with Epic Games, the creator of the video game Fortnite. Fortnite Fortnite is a third-person...
The Carolina Panthers is a professional football team from Charlotte, North Carolina (USA), playing in the South Division of the National Football Conference...
The National Football League (NFL) does not only focus on male fans of this popular sport, but also on the growing group of female NFL fans. Besides wearing...
Playing football on all kinds of levels on Thanksgiving Day, from school and college to NFL, is one of the famous traditions in the United States of America...
The NFL, National Football League, was founded in 1920 and consists of the American Football Conference and the National Football Conference, which hold...
The NFL has long been engaged to provide the sport a more global appeal. NFL Europe For example, from 1991 to 2007 there was a football league in Europe, which...